Stage A

From Ref. Benevolo to Refuge Chivasso via Col Rosset

Usefull information

Countries crossed : Italie

Positive elevation +913 m

Negative elevation -610 m

Duration 5 h

Signposting 13A - 12 - 3C

Distance 10.7 km

Level Difficult

Itinerary details


Crossing from Refuge Benevolo to the start of the Grande Vaudalaz Valley

1 h 20

2.8 km

+240 m

-150 m

From the Benevolo Refuge (2285m), head towards the farm to join the motor road which climbs to the left, more or less 500m, until the first bend. A sign indicates the start of trail No. 13A going towards Col Rosset. After a long traverse of the grassy slope with a few streams running down it, a promontory (2407m) means you can observe the Rhêmes Valley and the final part of the Grande Vaudelaz Valley. The second part descends towards the river of the same name which faces the Grand Vaudalaz alpine farm (2348m; 1hr15).

Grand Vaudalaz Valley

1 h 20

2 km

+370 m

After joining trail No. 12, head up the right bank of the torrent. By continuing on this mountain pasture, you go around some boulders at the half-way point. As you follow the route to the pass, the landscape changes, becoming rocky. Different animals can be seen in this little-visited valley such as marmots and chamois.

Last section before Col Rosset

0 h 30

0.7 km

+270 m

With its stark feel, the trail forms hairpin bends across the steep, stony slope. You’ll notice a pretty little lake on the left before arriving at the pink rocky escarpment of Col Rosset (3025m; 2 hours from the start of the Grand Vaudelaz Valley). It is a remarkable panorama with several peaks where the south face of Grand Paradis stands out. Below, countless lakes extend over the Rosset Plateau.

Descent to the refuge

2 h

5.2 km

+53 m

-460 m

The first 150m of the S-shaped descent are quite steep and narrow as far as the Chanavey Lakes. From there, a comfortable path leads to the bottom of the valley. A final drop of about 150m in altitude takes you between Lake Rosset and Lake Leita, located at 2700m. The final approach to the Savoia Refuge (2532m) and Chivasso refuge (2604m) is via the plain of the Col du Nivolet. Walking time from Col Rosset: 1hr45.

Points of interest

  • Panoramic promontory (2407m) with view of the Rhêmes Valley.
  • Col Rosset and the wonderful views of Grand Paradis on the south-east side and the Mont Blanc massif on the north side.
  • The Nivolet Plateau is a little piece of paradise straddling the Piedmont and the Aosta Valley characterised by its large high-altitude lakes.


Before setting off, it’s important you:

  • Are fully informed (advice from professionals – instructors, guides); choose an activity and route adapted to your physical abilities, motivation and experience; take into account those who are with you; check the weather forecast for the day and don’t hesitate to change your plans if conditions are unfavourable.
  • Prepare properly: never head off alone, check your equipment, reserve your place at the refuge, check your personal insurance.
  • Equip yourself properly: take with you something to eat and drink; clothing suitable for what you have planned; a map.


  • Walking boots
  • Protection from the sun
  • Windproof jacket
  • Rainwear
  • Head lamp